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AIG Executive Bonus’s – We’re all pointing fingers (at the wrong people)

22 March 2009

Who is really to blame here?  Is it the company which took a hand-out so they could make ends meet? Nope, there just doing what they have to do with the funds they have.  There’s a lot of stories out there about why they have to pay these bonus; a lot of legal and moral reasons for them to meet the promises to their employees.  Yes it’s with our money but there was no stipulations concerning this when they got it from us.  And who’s fault is that?  Who else; the idiots in Washington that have created this mess.

It’s been well documented how we got into this mess.  Not from corporate greed or poor business practices, it was from over regulation and involvement of the government.  The idiots liberals in Congress thought they would make life easier on people by changing the requirements to lending practices of banks and created a ton of bad debt that had little hope to be recouped.  Banks didn’t want this, Wall Street didn’t want this but the do-gooder liberals in Congress forced it upon them under the mantra of urban renewal and fair lending practices.  Through those laws people without means could procure loans to by houses they could never afford. The loans for these were designed with timed increases in hopes that the income of the borrower should be able to afford the increases but in reality these increases had no basis on the reality of cost of living increases.  Lending institutions, in response to government intervention created an environment of failure just to comply with the laws passed by people who had no idea what the consequences would be.  Now we’re in this mess and the same idiots who got us in here are passing the same inept un-thought-out laws that got us into this mess.

This debacle that we’re experiencing is a testament to how liberal ideals are failure in waiting.  Making laws that are based on feelings rather than sound practices will always result in failure. “Oh the poor need our help to buy a house. Lets make it easier for them to borrow money so they can…” Making money easy to get buy people that can’t pay it back doesn’t help anyone.  It just spreads the problem to others; doesn’t that sound like wealth redistribution? It’s the same argument these idiots use towards the global warming myth.  “Oh we have to save the planet.  Lets make everyone conserve and go green.”  It’s the same liberal “feeling-based” methodology that pulls at the heart-strings of the emotion but does nothing but create problems in reality.

So who is to blame for all this mess?  Harry Reed, Nancy Palosi, Chuck Schumer, Barney Frank, and all those other liberals and RINOs (republican’s in name only) who voted for all this crap that got us here.  This mess didn’t start last fall when we were told of the impending Wall Street melt-down.  It started years ago when this Democrat leadership took power and started their liberal agenda.  These people are raping our society and destroying our country and we choose to point fingers at a few corporate executives who are doing nothing but fulfilling an existing contract.  It’s the leadership in Congress that created this mess and yet they feel that they can tax these poor saps out of the money we gave them.  And the most culpable person in all this… Barack Obama.  At some point in time the back can’t be passed any more and his ineptness in economic understanding is showing.  His appointment of the tax-cheat Geitner was the first sign that he had no idea what he was doing.  He took the word of his Democrat brethren that this guy was the smartest guy out there on the economy and put him at the helm of the very organization Geitner had worked to destroy.  And now he sets on the sidelines and does nothing while his lieutenants go out and do the dirty work leaving Obama to claim plausible deniablity to our countries destruction.  This whole mess is a leadership problem and the government leadership needs to be held accountable.  Not the corporate leadership who knew they were about to fail and took a lifeline so they could stay solvent.

I said this when all this mess started and I will say it again.  These companies need to fail. If their practices are so bad that they are loosing money then bankruptcy should have been their course and not a handout from the government.  They took the money without any plan to fix the problem, jus tto continue on with the failed practices that got them into this mess.  And who fault is that?  It was the lack of specificity in the original bail-out bills to dictate to these companies to change their ways.  While I think we should never have given them the money, when we did we should have made them change their ways so they wouldn’t fail again.  But that didn’t happen because the people who drafted these bills had no idea how to fix the problem.  Their idea to just throw money at it and it would go away has created an even bigger mess with no fix in sight.  This is Democrat ideology at it’s worst; spending money on a problem but not making any solutions.  When are these people going to figure out that money doesn’t solve problems, people do.

If you think that government needs to come up with a solution then what you need to do is identify the problem.  The problem is a regime hell-bent on social engineering and wealth redistribution.  Their liberal ideals will continue to guide their hand as they create laws that will end up in more messes like this.  They have a proven track record of failure and this current mess is just one example.  What we really need is to get these idiots out of Washington!  What we really need to do is hold accountable the people who got us here.  When this happens the true story of what happened and how we got here will come out and I’m sure we will find that the leadership in Washington now are the true culprits.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. towp permalink
    22 March 2009 13:47


  2. 22 March 2009 14:00

    Well said… Great information, keep up the great work!

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